Monday, July 9, 2012

it is unnatural…

in matthew 6.26 (tniv) JESUS says, look at the birds of the air.  they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly FATHER feeds them.  are you not much more valuable than they?

JESUS says first don’t worry because it’s unreasonable.  and then, don’t worry because it’s unnatural.  HE says, look at the birds. if anybody was on GOD’s welfare role, it’s the birds.  all they do is eat, fly around, and sing a little bit.  HE says, look at the birds.  GOD takes care of them.  then in verses 28 & 29 (tniv), HE gives us a botany lesson. and why do you worry about clothes?  see how the flowers of the field grow.  they do not labor or spin.  yet i tell you that not even solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  HE says, look at the flowers, look at the intricate design and the complex beauty.  GOD takes care of the flowers.  so don’t worry.

the fact of the matter is, animals don’t worry, plants don’t worry.  there’s only one thing in all of GOD’s creation that worries – human beings.  everything else trusts GOD.  everything else trusts GOD to care for them. 

worry is not natural.  you weren’t born worrying.  it’s something you learn.  you have to work at it, practice at it to get good at it.  some of you have been getting a lot of practice.  it’s something you have to develop.  that’s good because if it’s something you learned, it’s something that can be unlearned. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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