Tuesday, July 10, 2012

it doesn’t help, it hurts…

it is important for us to see that worry is not natural.  our bodies were not designed to take the stress of worry.  that’s why when we worry, we have health problems – back aches, stomach aches, insomnia.  every day americans consume fifteen tons of aspirin.  why?  because of worry.  we’re up tight.

the bible says in proverbs 12.25 (nlv), worry in the heart of a man weighs it down.  proverbs 14.30 (nirv), a peaceful heart gives life to the body.  you know that worry will make you a lot more tired than work.  if you worry about something, you’re much more fatigued than if you just went out and did it.  worry is not only unreasonable, worry, GOD says, is unnatural. 

matthew 6.26 (tniv), look at the birds... your heavenly FATHER feeds them. [not the bird’s father but your father.  GOD is your father and HE cares for you as a child.]  and aren’t you far more valuable to HIM than they are?  so worry is not only unreasonable, worry is unnatural.

and then matthew 6.27 (tniv), can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?  the third thing JESUS says is that worry is unhelpful. it doesn’t work.  it’s useless. 

worrying cannot make me taller, shorter, lengthen my life.  in fact it does the opposite, it shortens my life.  i get so uptight, it ruins my life and it makes me ill.  worry never moves you one inch closer to a solution.  it’s like a rocking chair.  you’ve got a lot of activity, but you don’t make any progress – back and forth, back and forth.  that’s what worry is.  the only thing that worry changes is you.  it makes you more miserable.  it cannot change the situation.

somebody has said, worry is stewing without doing.  worrying cannot change the past.  worrying cannot control the future.  all worrying does is make me miserable today.  it ruins my life.  it saps the strength that i need for today’s problems.  JESUS says worry is unreasonable, worry is unnatural, worry is unhelpful. it doesn’t help, so don’t worry.

just a thought from the front porch…

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