Wednesday, July 11, 2012

misunderstanding what GOD’s like…

worry is unnecessary.  matthew 6.30 (tniv), if that is how GOD clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will HE not much more clothe you – you of little faith?  JESUS said, you don’ need to worry.  it’s unnecessary because GOD has promised to take care of you if you’ll just trust HIM.

when i was a child, whenever i had a need, i would go to my father, i would ask him for money and he would give me the money. i didn’t worry about where the money was coming from.  i didn’t worry about whether my dad had it or not.  i asked him for the money and he supplied.  GOD says, “I’m your heavenly FATHER.  and you don’t have to worry.  I will take care of your needs if you trust ME.”  GOD says, “I will assume responsibility for your needs” and HE cares for us because HE says, “you’re valuable to ME.”

philippians 4.19 (nasb) says, my GOD shall supply all your needs according to HIS riches in glory in CHRIST JESUS.  worry is a misunderstanding of the nature of GOD.  it’s misunderstanding what GOD’s like.  we think, GOD doesn't love me, GOD’s not interested in me, GOD’s not caring about the little things in my life. 

we always get into trouble when we start doubting GOD’s love for us.  that always gets us into trouble.  it’s amazing we can trust GOD for our internal salvation, but then we say, “LORD, YOU let me worry about how i’m going to make a living and my health and my finances and my friends and my family and my marriage and my business and everything else.”  if GOD can be trusted for eternal salvation, he can be trusted in the daily experiences of life. 

i heard a story about a little lady walking down a country road with a heavy knapsack.  a pick up came along and picked her up to give her a ride.  about three miles down the road the man said, “why don’t you take off your knapsack and throw it into the back? i know it’s a heavy load.”  but she said, “oh, no!  it’s enough for you to carry me.  I’ll carry my own load.”

we think that's silly but that’s the way we treat GOD.  we say, “GOD, YOU get me into heaven but for right now, i’ll take care of the car payments and the house payments and everything else. i’ll worry about it.”  worry is unnecessary.  GOD says, “I will take care of you if you’ll trust ME.  I want to help you.” 

JESUS says, “don’t worry.  it’s unreasonable, it doesn’t make any sense.  it’s unnatural, you weren’t made to worry.  it’s unhelpful – it doesn’t make any difference anyway.  worry can’t change the past, it can’t change the future.  and worry is unnecessary.”  God says, “HE’ll help you if you trust HIM.”

just a thought from the front porch…  


Caryl said...

Nice post! Most often, people see God as corruptible being or they put God in a box, incapable of providing us with our needs.

Bill Williams said...

thanks, caryl for the comment.