Tuesday, July 17, 2012

one at a time…

the future, when you think about it, can really be overwhelming. it can get you down when you realize how it’s coming in at you. GOD designed the future to come at our lives in bite sized portions.  it comes in 24-hour segments, one day at a time.  it’s like the hour glass.  you flip it upside down and the sand goes through, but only one grain at a time.  that’s the way GOD intends for us to deal with our problems – one at a time.

you deal with one and then the next one comes along to deal with. [did you hear about the grandfather clock that had a nervous breakdown?  they took it to a psychiatrist and the grandfather clock said, “i have to tick-tock twice a second.  that’s 120 times a minute, 172,800 times a day, over 62 million times a year!  i can’t face it.  i’ll crack up.”  the psychiatrist said, “simple.  just worry about one tick at a time.”]

that’s the way GOD intended for us to live.  don’t worry.  it’s unreasonable, it’s unnatural, it’s unhelpful, it’s unnecessary, it’s unCHRISTian.  HE says, “i didn’t make you to be a worrywart.  instead, put ME first in every area of your life. live one day at a time.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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