you look at somebody who’s a perfectionist, it looks like a pride problem. “that guy’s a snob. he’s got to have everything perfect.” but actually perfectionism is a sign of
insecurity. in essence only insecure people demand perfectionism from
themselves and everybody else. they're
afraid that they might make a mistake.
not a sin to make a mistake. sometimes
mistakes are ok. they’re beneficial.
columbus discovered america by mistake. goodyear discovered vulcanized
rubber by mistake. alexander graham bell
discovered the telephone by mistake. a
lot of mistakes turn out for good. you don’t
always have to bat 1000 [it would be nice if the dodgers would just hit 300
with runners in scoring position but that’s for another day]. when you feel like you’ve got to do that, you
put yourself under the burden that paul’s talking about here in galatians 5.1 (niv), it is for freedom CHRIST has set
us free. stand firm, then, and do not
let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.
a thought from the front porch…

said in matthew 11.28-30 (niv), come unto
ME all you who are weary and are burdened [you’re burdened down with life] and I will give you rest. take MY yoke upon you and learn from ME. HE said, “MY
yoke is easy.”
why don’t
we do this? we put the burdens of
perfectionism on ourselves. we try to
gain GOD’s approval by our actions.
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