in looking
at perfectionism we see it damages
has said that the definition of a perfectionist is somebody that takes so many
pains in his work that he gives you one, too.
we all have this to a varying degree in our lives. it’s frustrating, irritating, upsetting to
just a thought from the front porch…
many of you like to be around somebody that’s correcting you all time? every time you finish something, they have to
go back and redo it.

in the
bible, there were a group of perfectionists – pharisees. they maintained a
standard and taught a level of commitment that even they themselves could not
when we
don’t feel accepted, then we don’t accept others. when we don’t feel forgiven, we don’t forgive
others. when we don’t feel GOD’s grace,
we’re not gracious to others. it ruins
relationships. because we’re tough on
ourselves, we’re tough on everybody else at the same time. perfectionism damages relationships.
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