we are
looking here on the front porch at the emotional hang up called
perfectionism. here’s what happens. perfectionism leads to procrastination,
procrastination leads to panic or pressure, pressure leads to paralysis.
people go through life sitting on the sidelines because they cannot be perfect
so they won’t try anything.
every one
of you have probably seen that in your life.
perfectionism. we wonder, is it going to be perfect? and when we wonder if it’s going to be
perfect, we start procrastinating because we think, “it’s not the right time to
start this project.” then, because we
don’t start at the right time, we get under pressure because time’s running
out. we start panicking. and when we start panicking, we get paralyzed
and we can’t do anything.

1 kings
22 is a story of king jehosophat. it
says he built ships that never sailed.
he spent all the time building a fleet and they never left the
harbor. that’s like many lives
today. we work on our lives, constantly
improving and improving. “one of these
days i’m going to get my act together.
one of these days i’m going to shove out in the ocean.” but we never do because we’re afraid.
i hear
people saying, “i’m reluctant to serve in a church because i’m inadequate. i can’t do anything and i don’t have all my
hang ups solved so i can’t serve the LORD.”
every CHRISTian leader who ever lives feels inadequate, including myself. sometimes i wonder, “what am i doing writing
every day, LORD? what am i doing
here?" the bible says that GOD uses
ordinary, imperfect people.
a great
verse of comfort is when GOD says, “I am the GOD of jacob.” why is that such a comfort? because jacob was a real crook. he was a swindler, a cheat, a
manipulator. he had grave emotional
problems, yet GOD owned him. GOD said, “I
am the GOD of jacob.” if GOD can say
that about jacob, HE can say, “I am the GOD of bill williams in spite of his
hang ups, in spite of his weaknesses and mistakes.” perfectionism destroys initiative.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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