11.28-30 (gnb), come to me, all of you
who are tired from carrying your heavy loads and I will give you rest. the yoke I will give you is easy and the load
I will put on you is light.
how do
you put on GOD’s yoke? if you want to
have HIS yoke, what you need to do is
... study the bible real hard?
... never miss church? ... always
be perfect? ... be sure and take
communion at least once a week? ...
witness to everybody in sight that you see?
is that what HE’s saying? no
what’s GOD’s
yoke? HIS plan and purpose. how heavy is it? it’s light.
it’s easy.

says, “come to me all of you who are
tired from carrying your heavy loads and i will give you rest.”
notice HE
does not say, “if you want to get rid of your stress, come to church. if you want to get rid of your stress, come
to the bible... come to a seminar...” he
says come to CHRIST.
answer to your stress is not a bunch of principles. the answer to your stress is a relationship
to a person JESUS CHRIST. “come to
me. I will give you deep, abiding, gut
level rest. let’s do a little transfer
of yokes here.” it’s a personal
just a
thought from the front porch…
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