11.28-30 (gnb), come to me, all of you
who are tired from carrying your heavy loads and I will give you rest. the yoke I will give you is easy and the load I will put on you is light.
you’re out of GOD’s will. i don't know
any straighter way to say it plainer than that.
you’re out of GOD’s will. you’re
doing something that GOD never intended for you to do. you’ve taken on more. and some of those things you’re thinking GOD’s
asking you to do, HE’s not asking you to do.
your conscious and your perfectionism are asking you to do them.
heavy is GOD’s yoke? HE says, “the yoke I
will give you is light and easy.” it says,
“easy”. light, bearable, even easy. you say, “but my CHRISTian life isn’t
easy. my CHRISTian life is heavy, a
burden. my life is a heavy duty burden.”

say, “are you saying that my relationship to CHRIST – the CHRISTian life – is
easy?” i’m not saying it. JESUS is.
“MY yoke is easy, MY burden is light.” “but my CHRISTian life has
never been easy or light!” then you’re
missing the point. JESUS did not come to
give you a burden but a blessing.
am i
saying the CHRISTian life has no problems?
no, not at all. you do have a lot
of problems. the CHRISTian’s life will
have difficulties, i guarantee that. but
to live in the center of GOD’s will is a lighter load than to live out of GOD’s
will. to live in GOD’s purpose and plan
for your life is a lighter, more relaxing, more enjoyable load than for you to
live your own life any old
way you
if you
say, “my CHRISTian life is a burden right now on me” then there’s some things
in your life that you’re doing that GOD never intended for you to do. one of the things you need to do is go and
sit down and say, “what do i need to cut out of my life?” i need to focus on the things that really
count – my relationship to GOD, my relationship to my family, my relationship
to other CHRISTians, my relationship to the world. that’s what counts.
so many
of us are stuck on the cover of time
magazine “how america is running itself ragged”.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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