Tuesday, February 15, 2011

how doubt has entered into your life…

now if you are having doubts in your faith there are some biblical principles that you can follow that can strengthen you faith. i don't want to suggest they are easy or quick. but to make the steps easier to remember the first letters of the first word in each of these points spell out the word faith. here is the first one…

find the root of your doubt.

you’ve got to diagnosis the source of how doubt has entered into your life before you know how you can deal with it. now doubts can enter through your mind, your emotions and through your will. and maybe you can see how doubt is coming into your life. but maybe not. but you might want to do some self-examination, some research. ask some people who know you well to help analyze where is it that doubt is coming into your faith.

but don’t do it on a surface level. go deep and ask the tough questions of yourself. so many people would say, “my problem is intellectual! i don't believe the bible can be trusted. i don’t believe that JESUS ever existed.” but the reality is underneath those questions is something deeper. people use questions sometimes to keep GOD at arm’s length as a smokescreen to obscure the real issue, which is their pride.

you might think on the surface it’s just intellectual questions. but the reality is that something underneath says, “i’ve got too much pride to humble myself before my CREATOR.” so be honest as you analyze the source.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Renita Verner said...

This is a very important message. So important I had to follow. Visit