Wednesday, March 2, 2011

a life of purpose and fulfillment and adventure...

there’s something that’s reassuring about the fact that GOD is scrupulously fair.  genesis 18.25 (niv), will not the JUDGE of all the earth do right?  HE will. 

it is so comforting to know that every human being who’s ever lived is going to be uniquely judged by GOD, fairly judged by GOD.  the way i understand it from scripture is that there will never be one individual in all of history after they have been judged by GOD who will genuinely be able to shake their fist at GOD and say, “that was unfair!”  even though they may not like the results, they will ultimately see GOD is scrupulously fair. 

the reason people will be denied admittance is because they’ve told GOD their entire life that they can live just fine without HIM, they don’t need HIM.  so when they die GOD will say to them, “based on your own decision to live your life separate from ME, i'm going to honor the decision that you made and i'm going to seal it right now and you will live with that decision for eternity.  you’ll be separated from ME forever.”  that is fair.  GOD isn’t going to violate our free will.  HE’s going to honor the choice that you make and that i make as to whether or not we want to be reconciled with HIM.

but we’re not isolated.  here in america or wherever you are reading this, we are not isolated.  if you’ve never heard the message of JESUS CHRIST before, you’ve heard it now.  you’re accountable for it now.  the question is, what are you going to do with it?  statistics show that 84% of americans already believe that JESUS is the SON of GOD.  the problem is that’s not enough.  the bible says in john 1.12 that it’s not enough to just believe that JESUS is the SON of GOD.  we have to take a step of faith in receiving HIM as our forgiver and leader.

when you do that and as you grow in your faith, you will find out what i have found out and millions of other CHRISTians have found out.  JESUS is the way.  HE is the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment and adventure.  and JESUS is the truth.  HE will give you wisdom to deal with everyday life and deal with the turbulent times you know are going to come.  and most of all, JESUS is the life.  HE alone can give you eternal life with GOD forever.  it’s not based on your qualifications.  it’s based on you accepting the invitation. 

just a life-changing thought from the front porch…


yusdin said...

good article i like , folow back

yusdin said...
