Friday, June 24, 2011

what if it doesn’t pass the test…

a GOD-given dream always has to pass the test of scripture but what if it doesn’t pass the test? 

let’s say you’ve got a GOD given dream (you think) for fast food japanese food.  nobody’s doing this.  this is GOD’s dream for my life – sushi in a sack.  a GOD-given dream.  you’re thumbing back through the book of “hezekiah” someday (i know there’s no such book) and you find a little known verse that says, “thou shalt not sack sushi.”  it’s there.  it just flies out at you.  what do you do?  what do you do when your dream and GOD’s word don’t match?

we do what many of us do.  we try to change GOD’s word.  “it doesn’t really mean what it said.  in the context that this was written, sushi was different in that day than it is today.”  all these things we say.

if you have what you believe is a GOD given dream and you’re reading GOD’s word and HE shows you clearly that it’s not HIS will for your life, what do you do?  you fall on your knees and you praise GOD!  you thank HIM that HE saved you from the hurt and the heartache that the dream would have taken you into.  praise HIM for HIS word. 

humbly say, “my ways aren’t YOUr ways.  YOU have higher ways than i do.  i need YOUr direction for my life.”  you should be more thankful than anything for those times in your life when GOD says, “that is not the way to go.”  think of the heartache HE’s going to save you.  don’t try to change HIS word.  let HIS word change and mold your life.  it’s tough when it’s a dream though, because dreams are so personal.  but let HIS word change and mold your life.

just a thought from the front porch…

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