Tuesday, June 14, 2011

wrestling and healing…

and more than wrestling, jacob finds a healing. 

remember JESUS CHRIST is the great physician.  HE knew all about healing.  HE knew what it was to take a man who was paralyzed from birth and to touch him and pray for him and say, “now arise and walk.”  and HE took his mat and walked.  JESUS knew all about healing but this was a healing of a very different kind.  in this healing HE’s going to cripple a man in order to heal his soul.  HE’s going to bring a limp into his life in order to bring a new dependence upon GOD.  it’s important to see that jacob was wrestling with GOD. 

i don’t know what you’re wrestling over but you can understand the concept of wrestling.  maybe it’s over an unanswered prayer.  maybe it’s over a character change you just can’t see happening in your life.  maybe it’s over a habit that you’re struggling with.  maybe it’s over the way you feel GOD wants to mange your relationships and you don’t think they should be managed that way.  maybe it’s over a decision.

whatever you’re wrestling with, the real question is – whether it’s a real wrestling match with two people out on a mat at high school or it’s a wrestling match in your soul with GOD – the question in wrestling is who is in control.  who’s on top?  in a wrestling match with GOD, who’s going to be in control? 

ron dunn in his book when heaven is silent said jacob had prayed for protection from esau but what he really needed was protection from GOD.  esau was not his problem.  GOD was his problem.  and GOD was his solution.

jacob is wrestling with GOD not satan, not his enemies, not evil society, not even his own self will.  he’s wrestling with GOD’s will in his life.  believer in JESUS CHRIST, we all come to those points in our lives where we wrestle with GOD’s will in our lives. 

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

jj-momscashblog said...

Very inspirational posts that I'm very glad to have come upon, especially at this time in MY life. It's comforting to know that we are all wrestling with something in (not comforting in the sense to think others are wrestling or suffering w/things in their lives, I meant that we know we are not alone in our life struggles)our lives and yet I believe we will all find some kind of healing in our lives also. Thank you so much for your kind and inspirational words. jj