Monday, April 16, 2012

the starting place in prayer…

back a few years ago in response to 911 president bush recommended that congress set aside 38 billion dollars for a new department called homeland security but the reality is there are more people in our country right now searching for internal peace and calm than ever before, there is less internal security in our homeland than ever before.

fact – one out of every eight americans between the ages of 18 and 54 suffer from some kind of anxiety disorder.  that is about nineteen million people. 

fact – anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in america even surpassing depression.  and among senior adults 65 years of age and up, the number one health issue is anxiety.

to many people in our world the path to inner peace seems illusive.  so the question is how do we find it?  if we can’t throw enough personnel at it where does peace in our heart and in our soul come from?

now this is a struggle for all of us.  and being a follower of JESUS does not exempt you from life’s problems.

now we’ve been going week by week through the model prayer of JESUS and we have been seeing that the very essence of prayer is the recognition that i need somebody with a power that i don’t have to help me navigate life successfully. 

that’s why we’ve been unpacking phrase by phrase the model prayer of JESUS. 

if you’ve been here on the front porch you understand that the first part of the model prayer focuses on GOD.  but now at this point in the prayer we make a transition and the focus is now on us.  but the order is important.

here’s why. 

the starting place in prayer is always the acknowledgment of who GOD is. 

that’s why the model prayer begins, our father in heaven, hallowed be your name.  we begin there because if there’s no powerful GOD in heaven and if i don’t have a loving FATHER who is willing to meet my needs then why pray?  that is where some of you are today.

just a thought from the front porch…

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