Saturday, April 14, 2012

let’s pray…

dear FATHER, i have no doubt that there are many people here on the front porch today who are stressed out from resentment and worry and the need to control things.  i’m sure there are many who are struggling with the issue of complete surrender to you.  they’ve held on to something for so long they don’t know how to let it go.  help them to realize how much YOU love them so that they can relax.

now you pray.  say this in your heart, “dear FATHER, YOU know how i’ve resented the unchangeable things of my life that cause me pain.  you know i’ve asked YOU many times for an explanation but it’s never come.  today, i want to stop fighting you over the things i don’t understand.  i want to be at peace.  today i pray the prayer of surrender.  YOUr will be done.  YOUr kingdom come, YOUr will be done in my life.  help me to say that every day.  help me to change the things that i can but to accept the things that cannot be changed.  today, JESUS CHRIST, i accept YOUr plan for my life.  i surrender to YOUr control and i’m going to trust in YOUr care.

in JESUS name I pray, amen.              

Just a thought from the front porch…