Sunday, September 4, 2011

three ways indecision makes you unstable…

james 1.8 (tniv), they are double-minded and unstable in all they do. 

sometimes you’ve got to make a decision.  being double-minded is devastating, debilitating.  it makes you unstable.  the word is translated, “confused” in many parts of the bible.  it’s used to describe a drunk who’s staggering, reeling, unstable in all his ways.  he’s saying, “if you can’t make up your mind it produces an unstable lifestyle.  all you ways will be unstable, in constant turmoil.

three ways indecision makes you unstable:

1.  unstable emotions.  unstable emotions.  it is a strain when you can’t decide.  you worry and strain, you’re confused.  you can’t sleep and can’t eat.  you wonder, “did i do the right thing?”  it creates emotional instability in your life when you can’t make up your mind.

this guy goes to a psychiatrist.  the psychiatrist says, “are you indecisive?”  guy says, “yes and no.”  “what do you mean by that?”  “well, i used to be but now i’m not sure.”

williams james said, “the most miserable person in the world is the person who is habitually indecisive.”  it causes emotions.

2.  unstable relationships.  lack of commitment destroys marriages.  when you can’t decide, do i want in or do i want out?  i can’t get on with it, i can’t get out of it, i can’t get with it.  what am i going to do?  instability in relationships.  when you’re a parent and say one thing then you say another thing.  we give double messages to our kids.  it causes instability. 

listen, many times it takes more energy deciding than it does to do it.  once you do it, it’s a snap, but the key is deciding.

3.  unstable spiritual life.  verse 7 (tniv), those who doubt should not think they will receive anything from the LORD.

it blocks your prayers.  indecision keeps GOD from giving you and keeps you from receiving what GOD has to offer. 

some of you say, “why doesn’t GOD answer my prayers?”  maybe you’re not specific enough.  maybe you’ve never decided what it is you want and you don’t have a clear-cut goal.

being double-minded can lead to a double life.  a spiritual schizophrenia, dr jekyll/mr. hyde.  in the book pilgrim’s progress it talks about a man named mr. face-both-ways.  that’s when you want to do your will and GOD’s will at the same time.  when you know what’s right but you go the wrong way.  when you’re trying to live for two people.  on sunday you sing onward CHRISTian soldiers and the next day you-re awol.  being double-minded produces instability in all of your ways.  it produces an unstable lifestyle.

just a thought from the front porch…


Daria Prendergast said...

Hey Bill, I used to read your blogs from time to time when you were pastoring at Heavenly Nazarene. Just found your this blog today. I like the title. I know from your previous blog that Brett is married and a pastor. Hope Stephanie is doing well. I hope you didn't get any flooding from the tropical storm. Wish that Lee could have brought some rain to Austin. Menopause has had me struggling this year in my spiritual relationship.Ine day I feel close to God and then the next I feel distant. I'll keep reading your posts.

Bill Williams said...

so good to connect with you again, daria. i know life can be tough but i hope the blog will be an encouragement.