romans 12.1 in the message says, take your everyday, ordinary life – your
sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before
GOD as an offering. embracing what GOD
does for you is the best thing you can do for HIM. but then notice romans 12.2 (msg), don’t become so well-adjusted to your
culture that you fit into it without even thinking.
this is a very important point. most of us live our lives just like everyone
else lives their life. we listen to our groups of friends and we just go along
with the crowd. we’re making our
decisions like everybody else is.
yet the bible says there is a better
way. the bible talks a lot about good
decision making. proverbs 3.5-6 (nlt) is
one of the best known parts of the bible on decision making. trust
in the LORD with all your heart. do not depend on your own understanding. it says, do
not depend on your own understanding.
isn’t that typically how we make
decisions – on our own understanding?
“this is my choice a, choice b, choice c. my understanding of the situation is if i go that way ‘these’ will be the
consequences. those will be the pros and
the cons. if i go that way that’s where
it will get me.” then we make a
that’s how everybody is making decisions
and most people are getting in big trouble.
they’re not depending on GOD to trust in. why do you think horoscopes and psychic hot
lines are so popular? that’s kind of the
way of the world. i’ve always wondered
about psychics. why aren’t all psychics
rich? why aren’t they living in las
vegas beating the odds makers? why don’t
they just retire after the superbowl? if
you think about it, you should never have to call a psychic. if they’re psychic they’ll know your needs
and they’ll call you. not long ago one
of the hottest psychic hot lines went bankrupt.
you would have thought they would have seen it coming.
just a thought from the front porch…
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