here is
the offer that JESUS CHRIST makes to you.
HE offers you a life without condemnation. there
is no condemnation for those who are in CHRIST JESUS, all wiped out,
forgiven. a life without
domination. HIS power sets us free. a life without desperation. all things work together for good so i don’t
have to despair. a life without
intimidation. if GOD is for us who can
be against us? a life without
limitation. and my GOD shall supply all
your needs. that is an offer you cannot
if i
give my life to JESUS what have i got to lose?
a lot! guilt, shame, worry,
bitterness, depression, hell, and a few other things that you can afford to lose. what have i got to gain? everything!
it is the greatest news in the whole world. that’s why this blog exists. JESUS is the hope of the world.

you’ve never invited JESUS CHRIST into your life today’s your day. it couldn’t be any clearer. today’s your day. you’ve been thinking about it. why don’t you just in your heart, pray this
simple prayer. “dear JESUS CHRIST, i
don’t understand it all but i’ve realized today what you’ve offered to me. today, i accept your offer. would you forgive my sins and erase my guilt
and transform my problems and help me with my bad habits and relieve my fears
and meet my needs. it really is an offer
i can’t refuse. today, JESUS CHRIST, i
ask you to come into my life as much as i know how and be number one and be the
LORD of my life. i want to follow you
from here on out.”
many of
you have already prayed that prayer.
you’re a believer. would you pray
this prayer? “dear JESUS CHRIST, today
i’ve again understood that you are the hope of the world. and you’re the hope for every area of my
life. help me to share that hope with
others. in JESUS’ name. amen.”
just a
thought from the front porch…
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