Friday, December 12, 2008

great week...

i had a great week this last week. i am a major baseball fan. i really am and i am a la dodger fan. it started back when i was a kid and i loved duke snyder and gil hodges and they happened to be brooklyn dodgers so i became a dodgers fan. well this week was major league baseball's winter meetings here in las vegas. it was great. i went every day and sat on the sidelines and saw all the mangers and general managers, media people who cover baseball, and old ball players, (i talked to frank robinson, tommy lasorda and a bunch of other guys.) it was awesome.

now some CHRISTtians would say i waisted my time but it wasn't a waist to me. i loved it. i was a kid again at 61.

what about you? what makes you a kid?

i love CHRISTmas. i love santa. brett, marissa, ashlyn, stef and andrew all talked to santa at macy's in ny city last week. that was fun.

i know some CHRISTians put down the whole idea of santa. i heard one preacher said parents were lieing to their kids telling them about santa. i have real problems with that, real problems. no wonder so many non-CHRISTians don't want to hear what we say. my mom celebrated santa with us when we were kids. margaret still puts up the stocking and fills them every CHRISTmas morning with stuff from santa and it has never hurt us. we still understand the whole meaning of CHRISTmas.

you know that santa is a metaphor for the true spirit of CHRISTmas which is giving. it is a great first step in connecting with people who don't have a relationship with JESUS or don't understand what GOD is all about.

i love being a kid. why is it that some people want to take away the whole fun of being a kid? i was a kid again this week. it sure was fun and it sure will be fun on CHRISTmas when i open my gifts from santa. of course i know they are from margaret but it sure is fun being a kid again.

life is tough right now. let's not spoil some of the fun in life by talking away something that doesn't hurt but that helps.

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