Tuesday, December 30, 2008


i love the word new. it is a great word. for some it is a scary word because it can mean change and for many change is scary. for me it means adventure.

what does new mean to you? to me new means my retiring from a church that i have loved, that i have nurtured, that i have been the pastor of for nearly 15 years; it means moving to long island, new york to be a part of my granddaughter's breathtaking life, i can't let poppy edwards have all the fun; to be involved in my son's first church and the exciting adventure that is happening there; to get to know my very exceptional daughter-in-law better; it means living out the purpose that GOD has for me in this next segment of my life; and it means some "what-in-the-world-am-i-doing" moments. but i love adventure and risk and detest security. i love new.

oh by the way, happy new year!!!

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