Tuesday, March 10, 2009

what was i thinking....

now there is another form of testing in the bible. one is trial and the other is temptation. trials are situations designed by GOD in order to help us grow and temptations are designed by the devil in order to cause us to sin and sometimes a situation can be both a trial and a temptation.

james 1:12 (niv) says that blessed is the man who endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the LORD has promised to them that love him.

there is a prize, a reward for enduring temptation. you will be "blessed" – happy. happiness comes from having your life under control so that there is no bad habit that is overpowering you.

it also says there is a "crown of life." in the greek this literally means "life itself" or when you overcome it, when you learn to say "no" then you really live as you were created to live.

james in the next verse says, when tempted. it is inevitable. it is not if, it is when.

now i may have retired as a paid pastor but i haven’t retired from being tempted. it is a reality in everyone of our lives.

there is a misconception that says, once you're born again, you've got it all together. you've arrived so you wear a mask and fake it and pretend like, how could anybody do something like that? we all are tempted.

1 corinthians 10:13 (ms) says that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. we all have the same temptations, the same problems and don't be surprised, shocked and don't try to hide it.

some of you are possibly caught in a compromising situation right now but it is liberating to know that other people feel the same way. we all have the same struggles and problems.

hebrews 4:15 (cev), JESUS understands every weakness of ours, because HE was tempted in every way that we are. but HE did not sin! HE was tempted but HE never gave in.

listen it is not sin to be tempted. it is a sin to give in to temptation. there are a lot of CHRISTians who are intimidated by temptation. they think, "how could i have such a thought?

the devil put it in your mind; it's not your fault. you are human. temptation proves you're human, not that you're evil. it's not a sin to be tempted; it's a sin to give in to temptation. the more committed you are the more you're going to be tempted.

maybe that will encourage you today. just some thoughts here on the front porch…


Anonymous said...

Thank you that does and will continue encourage me today as i face and endure all that is put upon my plate!

Bill Williams said...

well, we are all in the same boat. and we really do need each other in counteracting what satan puts in our path or on our plate. that's why our honesty with each other makes a difference. it shows each other that we're not alone here. GOD of course knows we need HIM but HE has made it so we need each other. it is kind of great that we have this time together everyday. just spread it out to others around you. that is the way fellowship works. two fellows in a ship. haha!