Saturday, April 4, 2009

i need your suggestions...

james 3. 17 (niv) says, wisdom is…reasonable.

so a wise person won't criticize other people’s decisions/suggestions. you are dumb if you are always critical. that is not wise.

a wise person can learn from anybody. he's not defensive. he's open to reason. he's not stubborn. he's willing to listen and learn.

are you a reasonable person? can your kids reason with you? how about those people at work? the bible says if you're wise, you're reasonable, you're opened to suggestions.

a dumb person would say, "don't confuse me with the facts' i've made up my mind. when i want your opinion, i'll give it to you." a wise person does not antagonize your anger, does not minimize your feelings and does not criticize your suggestions.

there are so many people who are so insecure that they will never allow anyone to suggest anything. they are responsible so it seems like it is their job to be unreasonable. but a wise person understands that GOD knows that you can’t see all sides to any situation so HE gives you people around you - husband, wife, kids, family, workers, friends - who see different sides and will help you in making the best decision. but the truth is some people would rather do it their way and be wrong than take suggestions and do it the best way and that is not GOD’s way.

so don't be defensive. listen, most of us are way too sensitive, we are over sensitive. if somebody makes a suggestion we take it as a personal criticism and we're defensive. james says that's dumb. a wise person can learn from anybody.

if you're wise you'll be open to suggestions. don't criticize, don't get defensive. proverbs 12:15, fools are headstrong and do what they like; wise people take advice.

if it's true, listen and learn from it. if it's false, ignore it and forget it. if i'm wise i'll be open to reason. i won't criticize your suggestions, i'll listen to them.

just some thoughts up here on the front porch…

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