Tuesday, April 7, 2009

don't be dumb, be wise...

relationships are so important especially in these difficult days. people are what are going to last not stuff. but we worry more about our stuff than about our friends and family. and that is dumb. listen there is nothing that you can't face and handle if you have the support of people around you. but satan causes us to believe the lie that we don’t need anybody and that stuff is what is going to give us security and happiness. and again i say, "that is dumb."

let's look at the checklist on wisdom that james gives here in james 3:17 (niv)? but the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

let me ask you some important questions. do you compromise your integrity? do you use people, manipulate them and use them for things you want? do you tend to antagonize anger? you’re always saying things that tick people off. you know if you say it, it will push their hot button but you do it anyway. that is dumb. james says that is dumb. it's not being wise. if i'm wise i won't antagonize your anger.

if i'm wise i won't minimize your feelings. feelings are neither right nor wrong, they're just feelings. when margaret, my wife has a feeling it's valid. whether it's logical or not, whether it makes sense or not the fact is she feels it. the same is true of me. if i'm wise i will not minimize it.

can your kids make suggestions to you? can your husband make suggestions to you? or your wife? if i'm wise i won't emphasize your mistakes. i don't rub it in, i rub it out. if i'm wise i don't try to disguise my feelings.

so how do i get wisdom? how do i become one of those wise people in relationships so that i have that peace that james talks about? do i need to make a new year’s resolution – today i'm going to be wise! no.

now this is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. knowledge comes from education, wisdom comes from GOD. to get knowledge, look around. to get wisdom you look up. knowledge comes from reason. wisdom comes from revelation. knowledge is something you learn. wisdom is a gift.

james 1:5 (tev) says, but if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to GOD, who will give it to you. wisdom is a gift from GOD. leading up to this move we have made to retire and move to long island, i have sometimes asked GOD fifty times in a day for wisdom, GOD give me wisdom. you should pray to GOD, who will give it to you; because GOD gives generously and graciously to all. if i'm loving and wise, i'm going to make it in life. if you're loving and wise you're going to make it in life.

base your life on those things that will last and if you do that will show you are wise.

just some thoughts up here on the front porch…


Jacquie said...

So even when Abraham has a "feeling" that he needs a mohawk...is that still valid?? Its def not logical and it doesnt make sense! But i want to be wise Bill..lol. I dont want to be dumb! So mohawk it is...and i will send people to you when they say "why did you let Abe do that?" And you tell them..she is very wise!!

Seriously...thanks for the great post today. It really gives me insight i can apply to my life. God is using you BIG TIME here on long island. Thank you.

Bill Williams said...

i agree with you about the mohawk but don't tell him...haha! and you are very wise!!!