Friday, July 3, 2009

how do i respond to someone who says, no one appreciates me?...

now if someone says, no one appreciates me and it is true that is sad. and if they say it and it isn't true then that is also sad.

now the truth is if i am the one hearing it i have two responses. i can brush them off and not give them any appreciation or i can leave the reason why they are saying it to GOD and reach out in appreciation no matter the reason. you see i am not to judge the reason i am just to respond to someone who needs appreciation or affirmation no matter their intent.

the truth is we all need to give appreciation just because we should give it. GOD wants us to look to those who are in our world who are hurting no matter the hurt and respond to them with love and affirmation.

what would this world be like if we were affirmers not adjudicators?

now something personal. i appreciate you taking the time, some of you 7 days a week to stop and read the ramblings of a retired minister on long island. GOD has been so very good to me to give me the opportunity to share with you things i have learned from experience or from other GODly people i have met along the way and of course from GOD HIMself. but i appreciate you in your faithfully coming to the front porch no matter when you do. i appreciate you!!!

just a thought from the front porch...

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