Saturday, July 11, 2009

what does, i'm bored really say?...

whenever we are complaining, we are usually being ungrateful. you can focus on either the negative or the positive. is the cup half empty or half full? it all depends on how you look at it. why is it that we often don't value what we have in life until it's gone?

we, in america, have so much to be grateful for even during this time of upheaval. yet we take so much for granted. overseas, american tourists are known for their complaining.

of course there are things in your life that you are not satisfied with. there are some things in your marriage that you don't like, things in your business, habits in yourself, your mate, your children, your boss. but i believe there are also some things in those situations and people that you could learn to be thankful for.

the bible says that CHRISTians are to be different. we are to do everything without complaining and arguing that we may be the sons of GOD, blameless and harmless in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation in which we shine as lights of the world. we stand out in a crowd. we shine like lights because we're different.

philippians 4.11 (ms), i've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. i'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. remember that when paul wrote this he was in prison at rome. the situations do not determine happiness.

when you learn to be happy and joyful in spite of the circumstance, that is maturity. that i am not determined or controlled by the circumstances around me.

have you ever thought that boredom is actually a complaint -- a complaint against GOD? you're basically saying, "GOD, you gave me a raw deal. frankly, i can do nothing with the circumstances that you dealt me. and if i were GOD i could do a better job. i am bored, GOD, because you did not give me what i really need in life and therefore life is lousy." develop the attitude of gratitude.

just a thought from the front porch...


rebecca said...

that's true,americans really do complain a lot. sometimes i find myself complaining to someone jut to make conversation. glad you pointed it out so i can break the bad habit

Bill Williams said...

i am just about ready to stop listening to ny sports radio because of all the complaining. it really does get to you doesn't it?