Saturday, July 18, 2009

GOD uses your problems...

now GOD uses problems, pressures, headaches, difficulties, stress to get our attention. HE uses circumstances to help us grow.

romans 8:28-29 (ms), GOD knew what HE was doing from the very beginning. HE decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love HIM along the same lines as the life of HIS SON.

there is nothing that could come into the life of a believer without GOD's permission. HE doesn't say they are all good, but HE will use them for good to fit into a pattern. there is a DIVINE pattern.

where are my problems coming from? did i cause them? are they from the devil? from GOD?

now, it really doesn't matter where the problems in your life come from. no matter what the source is GOD can use it in your life if you'll let HIM. all things can fit into a pattern for good -- to make me like JESUS.

if GOD is going to make me like JESUS, which is HIS ultimate purpose for me, then HE's going to take me through some situations that JESUS went through.

there were times when JESUS was lonely. there were times when JESUS was tempted. there were times when JESUS was tempted to be depressed or to get angry and blow up or to be impatient. and GOD allowed JESUS to go through those things. do you think HE's going to spare you from those things? HE's more interested in your character than your comfort.

just a thought from the front porch...

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