Friday, July 17, 2009

GOD's ultimate goal is not to make us happy but...

now when you pray the prayer, GOD forgives you of your sins and HE comes into your heart to live. this is where the power comes from to change.

romans 8.11 (ph), once the SPIRIT lives within you, HE will bring to your whole being new strength and vitality. GOD will bring power into your life.

now the HOLY SPIRIT is GOD HIMself. HE's in spirit form. and when you commit your life to GOD, HE comes into your life.

1 corinthians 3.18 (nlt) as the SPIRIT of the LORD works with us, we become more and more like HIM. GOD's number one purpose in your life is not to make you happy, but to make you like JESUS.

genesis 1.27 when GOD first formed the world he said, let us make man in our image and HE's been wanting to do that ever since. that is his ultimate goal -- to change you.

GOD's ideal is to tell us how to change through HIS word and give us the power to change through HIS SPIRIT. you read it and then HE empowers you to do it. .

just some thoughts from the front porch...

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