Saturday, November 21, 2009

so you're having a conflict with someone?...

matthew 5.9 (ms), you're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. that's when you discover who you really are, and your place in GOD's family.

so how do you cooperate instead of compete or fight? how do you resolve conflict at home, at work, at school, with your friends? how do you make peace?

well first of all you got to get together and talk.

matthew 5.23-24 (tev), if you remember your brother has something against you go at once and make peace.

HE says, you take the initiative. don't wait for them to make the first move. it doesn't matter if you're the offended or the offender, it's always my move.

in 1979, sadat won the nobel peace prize because he took the initiative. he broke the blockade, flew over to jerusalem and opened up peace talks with israel that eventually awarded accords.

always take the initiative. why? because JESUS said so.

you take the initative. and because you're more mature. go first. schedule a sit down, face to face meeting.

conflict is not resolved accidentally. it doesn't resolve itself. you must intentionally deal with it.

when do you deal with it? once ... do it now. don't postpone it. if you avoid or delay it only grows worse. the longer i wait to resolve a conflict the more difficult it's going to be to resolve it.

just a thought from he front porch…

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