Sunday, January 3, 2010

GOD wants to talk to you...

it is unbelievable but nothing is more important to you than understanding that GOD wants to talk to you and that you can actually hear HIM if you just tune in. HE wants to talk to you.

JESUS once said in luke 8.8 (niv), he who has ears to hear, let him hear. so get your ears on! you've got to be tuned in in order to hear GOD speak.

right now the room you are in is filled with radio waves, but you don't hear them because you're not tuned in. they're even going through your body. there are also television waves going through the air right now. you don't even see them. now if you had a receiver and you tuned it just right, you'd get a picture.

right now, GOD is speaking to many of you who are reading this. you don't know it, but HE really is. you see, your reception is a little fuzzy.

JESUS told a story in luke 8, a parable, in which HE explains that it's all about a mental attitude. He says there are four kinds of attitudes that will depend whether you get the message clearly from GOD or whether you don't.

this is so important. if you can tune into GOD HE can direct you, HE can save you a lot of time from making wrong decision, HE can comfort you when you need comfort, HE can guide you, and so on.

so HE says, let ME tell you a story. there was a farmer who goes out to sow seed and as he sowed, his seed scattered all over in different directions, in different types of soil.

back in the middle east in the old days, they didn't plant one seed per spot and cover it with dirt. they did what was called broadcasting. a farmer would have a pouch on his side filled with seeds and as he'd walk through the field which he had already tilled, he would toss it out, scattering it. you see the picture.

now obviously some of the seed falls on good soil and some of it doesn't and he says these four soils represent four attitudes. they are not four kinds of people, but actually all of us have been all four of these types. we vary from them from time to time. sometimes we're very open to GOD to what HE wants to say to us and sometimes we're very closed.

just some beginning thoughts from the front porch…

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