Monday, January 4, 2010

is your mind open or closed?...

so how do i hear GOD speak to me? for one an open mind that i have cultivated will help me to hear GOD speak.

if i were to ask you, have you ever heard GOD speak to you, there are many of you who would say, "i can't think of a time in my life where i actually heard GOD speak to me."

now i'm not talking about an audible voice, but an impression in your mind that you know is from GOD. now why is that? well, one of the possible reasons is that you've never been open to the possibility of it or maybe you didn't even know it was possible that GOD wants to speak to you directly.

when you've got a closed mind, obviously, GOD is not going to get through. this is the first type of soil. luke 8.5 (ms), some of it fell on the road; it was tramped down and the birds ate it.

vs. 12 (ms), the seeds on the road are those who hear the word, but no sooner do they hear it than the devil snatches it from them so they won't believe and be saved.

on every farm, in every field, there's a road that the farmer would walk down and as he went he would sow the seed out onto the land that was tilled. now there were two characteristics of the road. one, it was hardened because of the constant traffic of the people walking and two it was narrow.

do you know anybody like that? they're closed minded, narrow minded, hard hearted. they're not even open to the possibility that GOD might speak to them so as a result, JESUS says the farmer sows seed but it just lays on the surface of the ground and the birds come along and eat it, it never even gets a chance.

and this is true of us many times. GOD wants to speak to us, but HE doesn't even get a chance because our minds are closed, our hearts are hardened, we've already made up our mind, we're unwilling to listen, and we've already decided what we're going to do so we don't want to hear from GOD.

just a thought from the front porch…

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