Sunday, July 25, 2010

three requirements in life by GOD…

micah 6.8 (Gw), this is what the LORD requires from you. that you do what is right, to love mercy and you live humbly with your GOD.

GOD says there’s only three things required in life. what does GOD require or want from me? HE tells us real clearly here in micah 6.8: do what is right, love mercy [that means have good relationships, show forgiveness and mercy and love to people] and walk humbly before GOD. if you do those three things, you’ve done all that GOD requires of you in life. do the right thing, love mercy [show it to other people] and walk humbly before GOD. that simplifies life enormously. you say, “GOD, here are the things i need to do today – do the right thing, show love in my relationships, and walk humbly before YOU.”

we need to pray this next verse, psalm 119:37 (lb), GOD, turn me away from wanting any other plan than YOUrs. humility is surrendering your plans to GOD for HIS.

so much of our lives we live with the myth of being in control. we think we’re controlling our destiny, our careers, our families, etc. we’re not in control of any of that. it’s all an illusion. you cannot even guarantee your next breath. if GOD didn’t give it to you, you cannot even guarantee your next breath. you can control your responses in life, you can control your reactions in life and you can control your attitudes in life, but you can’t control anything that’s going to happen to you. you don’t even know what it’s going to be, much less control it. it’s all a myth.

jeff friend writes, “i was reared in a CHRISTian home, and i was active in church activities. i was the perfect CHRISTian. or at least that’s what i wanted everybody to believe. it was the perfect scam. i knew all the right CHRISTian phrases and appropriate prayers. i spent a lifetime building elaborate walls and defenses to keep people from seeing the real me. then one day i got a tiny mosquito bite. it kept itching, and after a few days the welt had gotten so huge, i visited the doctor. he tried everything to stop the pain and swelling but nothing worked. within another week, the constant pain in my leg was indescribable. i was in agony. i was referred to a surgeon who diagnosed it as a brown recluse spider bite. the next two years were a procession of surgeries and treatments, but none of them worked. i was in constant pain, depression and had a marriage falling apart. years of keeping people, including my wife, at a distance had taken its toll. i knew i needed JESUS CHRIST to be in control of my life, but my pride kept me from giving up to his control. i made an appointment with one of our pastors and said with tears in my eyes, ‘i’ve been around church all my life. everybody will tell you that i am a CHRISTian. but it’s a lie. all a lie. i’ve never really accepted CHRIST. i’ve never really completely surrendered my life to HIM.’” the pastor then led him in a humble commitment prayer. he said, “when i did, years of pent-up frustration came out, and i felt complete peace and forgiveness and freedom. i gave up control of my life, and i let GOD take over. since then, i have felt completely released from the secrets and the self-made prison i was in. it was amazing. it is also amazing to me to realize how GOD used something as insignificant as a little insect bite to show me how much i needed HIM and to draw me to HIM.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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