Saturday, July 24, 2010

the antidote to stress…

now GOD says, take up MY yoke upon you and learn from ME for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. matthew 11.29 (niv)

humility is the antidote to stress. humility is the key. the more humble you are, the less stressed you’re going to be. why? JESUS says this, take my yoke upon you. what is a yoke? a yoke is a double piece of wood where you harness cattle together to pull one wagon. the purpose of the yoke is always to make the load lighter, to make the load easier. you’ve got two cattle pulling the wagon load of crops rather than one.

that is a simple symbol of two things. first, it’s a symbol of partnership. JESUS says, “if you’ll hook up with ME, if you’ll connect to ME, if you’ll take MY yoke upon you, I’ll help pull the load.” whenever you’re trying to pull the load on your own, you get under stress. so you must humble yourself. “get connected to ME, and i’ll partner with you in life.” and anytime you get disconnected from JESUS CHRIST, you’re going to get under stress. any time. and every time you get reconnected to JESUS CHRIST under his yoke, the stress level is going to go down in your life.

it’s also a symbol of control. when you put a yoke on two animals, they have to go in the same direction and they have to go at the same pace. JESUS said, “if you’ll take my yoke upon you, then i will set the direction for your life, and i will set the pace for your life, and you won’t get stressed out.” HE says, “my yoke is easy.” most of you are thinking, “my yoke isn’t easy. i’ve got a heavy schedule. i can’t even tell you all the stuff i have to get done this next week. it’s a heavy load.”

is your life a heavy load? it’s your yoke, and not GOD’s. you’re following your plans for your life, which GOD never intended for you to do, instead of HIS plans. HIS plans, HE says, “my yoke is easy, my burden is light and you’ll find rest for your soul.” HE says, “hook up with ME. I will not only help you with the direction of your life, but I will set the pace.” and HE knows just the pace that’s right for you. not too fast and not too slow.

humility is giving up control of your life to GOD your CREATOR WHO made you. that’s the ultimate act of humility. “GOD, you call the shots. YOU’re in charge. i’m yoking up with YOU. i’m connecting to YOU.” when i do that, my stress goes down.

just a thought from the front porch…

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