Tuesday, April 6, 2010

grace or guilt?...

ephesians 2.8-9 (tev), for it is by GOD's grace that you have been saved through faith. it is not the result of your own efforts, but GOD's gift, so that no one can boast about it

the point is that salvation is based on GOD's mercy not my merit. salvation is based on GOD's promise not my performance. he says, you don't earn it.

it's almost comical the way some people try to earn their salvation, to prove themselves worthy to GOD, try to earn his forgiveness.

some have what could be called salvation by sincerity. "it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're sincere." the only problem with that is you can be sincerely wrong. i read about a pilot who sincerely flew into a mountain. i could pick up a glass of arsenic and drink it thinking it's milk. it will still kill me! you can be sincerely wrong.

then there is salvation by subtraction. you don't do this, don't do that, stop doing this and that... and maybe GOD will forgive your sins. don't smoke, cuss, or chew or run with girls that do. just don't do anything!

i've said many, many times that if all the CHRISTian life is is a bunch of "don'ts" anybody who lives in a rest home qualifies as a CHRISTian. you don't do much in those places. just set around and wait for your oatmeal.

then there is salvation by service. do good. be nice. take the LORD's supper. get baptized. help little old ladies across the street.

then there is salvation by comparison. "i don't need to become a CHRISTian because i'm better than..." the fact is you may be better than so and so, better than me, probably are. but GOD doesn't judge you according to me. i'm not the standard and neither is the other guy. the bible says GOD himself is the standard and we all fall short. that's the most basic thing in the CHRISTian life. but GOD's saving grace removes my guilt.

if you could save yourself the cross is a waste. there's no reason for JESUS CHRIST to die. if you could save yourself why did he put forth all the effort?

the most important decision you'll ever make is to receive GOD's saving grace. if you haven't done it, do it today. GOD's saving grace removes my guilt.

just a thought from the front porch…


Rebecca said...

This was a good one, glad I couldn't sleep & decided to check today's blog. Thanks!

Rebecca said...

This was a good one, glad I couldn't sleep & decided to check today's blog. Thanks!

http://www.natural74.blogspot.com said...

Hi, good day to you! it is intresting the observation and there is truth to your saying as long as we don't forget to follow Jesus footsteps not for salvation but for His glory.
Have a wonderfull day!