Monday, May 31, 2010

personal and practical…

the bible says in 1 john 5.14-15 that when we pray according to GOD's will then the answers come. you pray a prayer and GOD says, “that's exactly in line with what i want to do.” when you form a partnership with GOD, GOD grants our requests. the attitude must become, “LORD, THY will be done. this is what i want, but thy will be done.” like JESUS in the garden of gethsamene, “LORD, if it be possible, let this cup pass from ME, nevertheless, THY will be done.” this is what i want, this is my desire, but THY will be
done because you know what's best.

let's apply this to your life in a practical way.

your plans. do you include GOD in your plans? which of these words best describe your attitude: presumption or cooperation? do you make your plans about what you're going to do without even consulting GOD? or do you get up in the morning and think, this is what i'll do today.

many CHRISTians are practical atheists. they live as if GOD were not in control. that's why there is so much frustration in your life. when you check in with GOD and ask, “what is your will for my life?” and you ask GOD for wisdom, then life is so much smoother and satisfying and fulfilling instead of frustrating. do you pray about your problems and plans or are you presumptuous?

some of you are saying, “one day i'm going to become a CHRISTian. i'm just waiting for the right time. someday i'm going to commit my life to CHRIST. i've got a husband/wife/brother/friend/parent/child who is a CHRISTian. one of these days i'm going to make my peace with GOD and ask forgiveness and make sure i know i'm going to heaven when i die. i'm going to settle this and really commit myself. i'm planning to do it.”

that is presumptuous! none of us have any guarantee of any tomorrow. the bible says don't boast about tomorrow, you don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. don't presume upon the future. now is the day of salvation. today is the accepted time. do it now while you know you're still here!

problems. do you look for GOD's purpose in your problems or do you throw a pity party? instead of asking “why me?” ask, “what do YOU want me to learn?” maybe you won't actually see the purpose at this point. that might come later on. maybe GOD just wants you to trust HIM, to trust HIM without question, to trust HIS goodness and graciousness and HIS control.

if you lost everything, like job, how would you respond? would you have the maturity of faith to say, the LORD gave me everything i had, and they were HIS to take away. blessed be the name of the LORD.

just a thought from the front porch…