Monday, September 27, 2010

your greatest contribution in this world…

colossians 2.14 (ncv), GOD canceled our debt, which listed all the rules we failed to follow. HE took away the record with its rules and nailed it to the cross. when JESUS CHRIST died for you on the cross, HE paid for every failure you’re ever going to commit – the ones you did yesterday, the ones today and the ones tomorrow.

the CHRISTian life is not a failure-free life. it’s a life of grace. we are all trophies of grace. i am a trophy of grace. everybody is a trophy of grace. that’s the bottom line. if you are a believer, your primary witness to the world may be how you handle failure because people are watching you. the unbelievers out there are watching you. and CHRISTians have failures just like non-CHRISTians do. the issue is what we do with them. other people are watching: do you rely on the grace of GOD? how do you handle the inevitable failures that come into your life? that’s whole lot better than fake perfection. that doesn’t work.

the bible is full of examples of failures that GOD used in significant ways. abraham failed with his wife. isaac and noah failed with their kids. moses failed to control his anger and killed a guy. david had a moral failure, committed adultery, and then had her husband murdered. thank GOD that he uses failures.

if GOD only used perfect people, what would get done in this world? nothing. because there are no perfect people. none. if there are no perfect people, then GOD has to use imperfect people and GOD uses failures. that is called grace.

the fact is our greatest life messages, your greatest life message, your greatest contribution, your greatest significant input into this world will be in the area of your failure if you give it to GOD. let HIM transform it, teach you, motivate you, cultivate you through it and grow. if you’re willing to be honest about it, GOD will use it to help other people.

i don’t care what failure you’ve gone through. i don’t care which one you’re going through right now. it hasn’t changed GOD’s purpose for your life. GOD still has a plan for your life. GOD still has a purpose for your life. and GOD still has a place for you in this world.

just a thought from the front porch…

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