Friday, October 1, 2010

i am set free…

GOD has made it possible to live a life without condemnation and a life without domination.

romans 8.2 (niv), through CHRIST JESUS, the law of the SPIRIT has set me free from the law of sin and death. notice set me free.

fact: i don't have to be controlled by anything anymore as a CHRISTian. when the LORD is in control of my life, i don't have to be controlled by anything else. i am set free.

i talk to people all the time with a common complaint, “my life is out of control. i just can't get a handle on my life. i want to do right, but i don't. i know what i ought to be doing, but i just can't seem to change. i can't break free.” maybe it's a way of thinking, a way of acting, a way of responding. maybe it's a habit -- drinking, eating, smoking, taking drugs, needing exercise, whatever. “i just can't get in control!” the mark of a genuine CHRISTian is freedom. the mark of a genuine church is freedom. the bible says, where the SPIRIT of the LORD is there is liberty.

so my question for you is this, what's controlling you? without even knowing who you are, i can tell you what's controlling you: whatever you think about the most is what controls you.

romans 8.6 (tev), to be controlled by human nature results in death; to be controlled by the SPIRIT results in life and peace.

you are going to be controlled by something in life. either your own nature, the devil, or the LORD, or something. but the amazing thing is, the more i let GOD control my life, the more freedom i experience. when i'm mastered by HIM by his HOLY SPIRIT, i become the master of my circumstances. GOD has made it possible to live a life without domination. i gain control of my life and circumstances by giving it to the LORD.

just a thought from the front…

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