Saturday, October 2, 2010

life is not easy…

GOD has made it possible to live a life without desperation.

henry david thoreau said, “most people live lives of quiet desperation.” they're overwhelmed, discouraged. life is not easy. life is tough. GOD has not promised a stress free, problem free life for believers.

however CHRISTians do have a hope that helps us keep on going.

romans 8.18 (niv), our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. paul says here, i know how the story's going to end. there's going to be rewards. sure i'm going through tough times right now but i've read the last chapter in the book and i'm going to win in the end. the fact of life as a CHRISTian is i have a hope to hold onto even in my problems, even with things going wrong, even when things fall apart. i have a hope that unbelievers don't have.

there are two things that give us hope. romans 8.23 says someday you're going to get a new body. isn't that good news? and in verse 26 he says that the SPIRIT prays for us when we're going through trials so we have a hope.

we live a life without condemnation, without domination, without desperation.

just a thought from the front porch…

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