Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a victor or a victim…

we also find in roman 8 that as a CHRISTian (or because i am a CHRISTian) it is possible to live a life without intimidation.

romans 8.31 (niv), what, then shall we say in response to this? ‘if GOD is for us, who can be against us?’ GOD says, I will protect you. HE's saying, one plus GOD equals a majority. it doesn't matter who's against you if GOD's on your side.

have you discovered the wonderful truth, yet, that GOD not only knows you but GOD is for you? HE's not trying to trip you up. HE's not trying to make your life miserable. HE's not trying to make your life a mess. HE is for you! HE wants you to make it. HE wants you to succeed. GOD is for you! that's good news!

i think CHRISTians of all people ought to be the most confident people in the world. if GOD's for me, who can be against me?

fear is a devastating emotion and psychologists have analyzed 645 different kinds of fears. what do you fear most? some of you fear failure. some of you fear the future. maybe you fear dying. maybe you fear rejection. maybe you fear criticism.

hebrews 13.6 (niv) says, so we can say with confidence, ‘the LORD is my helper; i will not be afraid. what can man do to me?’

romans 8.37 (niv), knowing all these things we are more than conquerors through HIM who loved us. more than conquerors. literally in greek it is “super conquerors”. GOD makes us super conquerors. in life, you will be a victor or a victim. you will be swallowed up by your circumstances or you will overcome your circumstances. you will be overwhelmed by your problems or you will overcome your problems.

fact: i don't have to fear anything. i keep my eye on the LORD. you are not a victim. you can be a victor.

my question is: what have you been telling yourself that you could never do? whatever it is that you're telling yourself that you could never do, stop it! philippians 4.13 (nkj), i can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me. that's what you call a life without intimidation. you're not blown away by the circumstances. and you're not blown away by the problems. you've got the confidence that comes from GOD.

just a thought from the front porch…

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