Friday, December 10, 2010

too heavy a burden …

1 king 19.10 (niv), elijah said, i have been very zealous for the LORD GOD almighty. the israelites have rejected YOUr covenant and broken down YOUr altars and put YOUr prophets to death with a sword.

he blamed himself for negative events that weren’t his fault. he said, “i have worked my tail off for three years and they're not any closer to GOD than before. i have really tried. i’ve been zealous but what did they do? they're still living the same way.”

elijah blamed himself for failing to change the nation. he took it personally and when we do that, we get depressed. when we assume responsibility that GOD never intended us to have, we get depressed. it's too heavy a burden.

any time you help people, you sooner or later realize that people do not always respond the way you'd like them to. your children, your friends, your husband, your wife, people you work for or people who work for you. people just don't always respond the way you want them to. you can't assume responsibility for their response and when you do that you're carrying a burden that's only going to depress you. you can influence people, but you cannot control them. the final decision is theirs. so don't get yourself depressed over something you cannot control. that's what elijah did.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Boonchai said...

It has been my experience, in the USA, that if a woman is raped, she must be the one to prove it was rape and not consensual sex. I don't know about India, though.