Thursday, April 14, 2011

the difference between preparing and solving…

in making wise decisions you will need to prepare for problems.

donald trump said, “i expect the best but i prepare for the worst.”  that’s not bad advise.  in faith, expect the best.  expect GOD to work in your life.  but also prepare for the problems that are coming. 

five thousand years earlier, solomon said this same thing in the bible, proverbs 22.3 (tlb), a prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares to meet them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.  

the wise person recognizes there’s going to be problems in any decision and prepares for them.  even the bible knows about murphy’s law:  if anything can go wrong, it will.  i saw a bumper sticker the other day, “murphy was an optimist.”  you can’t ignore problems because they’re not going to ignore you.  problems are inevitable; they are a part of life.  the wise person prepares for

ask:  what could go wrong?  what will happen if it does?

there's a difference between preparing for a problem and solving a problem.  big difference.  never confuse the decision making phase with the problem solving phase.  they are two different things.  if you have to solve all the problems before you make a decision, you’ll be paralyzed before you make the decision. 

in the spiritual realm this means you don’t have to have all of your doubts about CHRISTianity and CHRIST settled before you make the decision to follow CHRIST.  listen, you don’t have to have all of your doubts figured out before you come to CHRIST. “JESUS, i give all that i know about me that i understand, to all that i know about YOU that i understand at this point in my life.”  the rest of your life you’ll be working out all the problems, the doubts.  i still don’t understand a lot that is in the bible. 

you don’t have to have all of your doubts resolved.  a man once came to JESUS:  “i need YOU to heal my son.”  JESUS asked, “do you believe I can heal him?”  man:  “i want to believe and i want you to help me with my doubts, my unbelief.”  JESUS:  “that's good enough” and HE healed the kid.  if that’s good enough for that man, it’s good enough for you.

you come and say, “JESUS, i give YOU all my life. i don't understand and i have some doubts and fears.  but i’m coming with them all.”   YOU solve the problems later.  if you had to solve all the problems before you make a decision then the decision isn’t made in faith.

just a thought from the front porch…


Mark@3-fold said...

I agree that you do not have to have all the answers before coming to Jesus Christ. However your account of Jesus healing the "dumb spirit" of Matthew 17/Mark 9 is a bit misleading. This boy was brought to Jesus because the disciples could not heal him. Jesus rebuked them for being a faithless generation in Mark 9:19. The father of the son did say "I believe, but help me with my unbelief/weakness of faith." Now I do not recall Jesus saying "this is good enough"? Actually because Jesus saw the people running together (Mark 9:25) "he rebuked the foul spirit." Later when the disciples asked Jesus why they could not cast out the spirit? Jesus told them that this kind of spirit can only come out through prayer and fasting (Mark 9:28,29)

Unbelief/questioning the Bible and God has become very popular these days. I'm not talking about man-made religious orthodoxy; I'm talking about biblical truths. It is for this reason we have people getting tossed hither and dither within Christianity.

Bill Williams said...

thank you for your clarification...