Sunday, November 13, 2011

your words can destroy what you have…

james says my tongue directs where i go, so i've got to learn to control it.  and he says my tongue can destroy what i have.

james 3.5 & 6a gives us another illustration (niv), consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.  the tongue also is a fire.

imagine a beautiful forest – tall beautiful trees everywhere.  now imagine it in one minute up in smoke, completely destroyed by a little tiny match.   it only takes a spark to get a fire going.

in 1983 in australia, one fire overnight destroyed 600 miles of land, villages, livestock, all from a single match.  james says, your tongue can destroy like that.  you can lose it all.  a careless camper can destroy a life overnight, thousands of lives.  gossip is like fire.  it spreads quickly and it wrecks havoc.

i wonder how many people because of a careless word have destroyed their marriage, or their career, or their reputation, or the reputation of another, or their church, or a friendship.  the tongue not only has the power to direct where you go but also to destroy what you have if you don’t learn to control it.  it’s like a fire.

proverbs 18.20 (tev), you will have to live with the consequences of everything you say.

continuing on in james 3.6b (niv), …it sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.  notice it says, whole course.

he’s saying here that words can create a chain reaction.  you can say something that you didn’t mean to have any harm, but it can have devastating effects that are beyond your control.  just a few inflammatory statements set off a chain of events that we now look back on and call world war ii.

just a thought from the front porch..

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