Thursday, January 5, 2012

what we can presume about 2012…

another mistake that james in the nt says we make in looking at our future is to presume about tomorrow.  presuming about tomorrow.

he says it is a mistake taking it for granted, assuming i’m going to live forever.  i’ve got the rest of my life.  james 4.14 & 16  (niv), why, you don’t even know what will happen tomorrow.  what is your life?  you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  as it is, you boast and brag.  all such boasting is evil.

there are a couple of reasons we shouldn’t presume about the future and assume that we’ve got tomorrow…

one is that life is unpredictable.  you don't even know.  none of us know what’s going to happen tonight much less this year.  all we can do is make guesses.  life is so unpredictable.  another war could start, the economy could get worse, your friends could leave you.  none of us know what’s going to happen in life.  life is so unpredictable

some of you work on commission or you are self-employed.  you go from feast to famine in your income.  one day it’s great and the next day it’s the pits.  you don’t have any assurance.  there is no guarantee of perpetual success.  none of us do.  realize that you can’t presume on tomorrow.

we shouldn’t let that frighten us, that life is uncertain.  don’t worry about it or be afraid.  just let it cause you to trust GOD more.  let it cause you to be more dependent on GOD.  you don’t know what’s going to happen in your life or your business.  it just forces you to trust GOD more.  let it cause you to be more dependent upon GOD.  you do’t know what’s going to happen in your life or your business.  life is unpredictable.

it also is brief.  you are a mist.  mist in greek is “atmos” where we get the word “atmosphere.”  your life is like a fog; it rolls in, in the morning but burns off by noon.  who knows how long we’re going to live?  none of us do.

how does the bible describe your life?  it uses phrases like a leaf, grass, shadow, cloud, puff of smoke, vapor.  i'm only one heart beat away from eternity.  i don’t know how long i’m going to live.  life is short.  it goes so fast from hot wheels to wheelchair.  diapers – dignity – decay.  life’s brief.  watch out and don’t presume you have the rest of your life.  don’t take tomorrow for granted.

just a thought from the front porch…

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