Friday, April 24, 2009

it's ok to disagree...

have you ever been in a church situation where people are judging each other by the way they observe their faith externally?

colossians 2.16 (niv), therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a sabbath day. these are a shadow of the things to come; the reality, however, is found in CHRIST.

paul deals with this issue here. he is saying that you can't tell or judge a person's walk with GOD based on their outward external observances – by what you eat or drink or if you worship on saturday, sunday or any other day of the week. these are just a shadow of the things to come. reality is found in CHRIST. so when i judge somebody on the basis of their outward religious observances i'm missing the point.

this is what romans chapter 14 is all about. they had a church that some people were judging each other because they looked at certain habits and said, "you can't be a CHRISTian and do that!"

paul says this is what is happening. you're judging each other and calling each other weak or strong. you're fighting back and forth. he says there are three things that cause a lot of conflict: drink, eat, worship. what you drink, what you eat and when you worship.

two guys are at the "i love my church" banquet. one guy is enjoying a wonderful turkey dinner. the other says, "i'm a vegetarian." "you're kidding? i thought only kooks were vegetarians." "i thought only kooks ate turkey." and they start fighting over whether they're going to eat meat or not. that's unwise. GOD has accepted both.

romans 14.13 (niv), therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. these are principles here: whatever you do have a clear conscious about it. don't offend other people. don't judge each other.

it's wrong when we judge people on the basis of external observations. we CHRISTians disagree on many things. we really do.

just some thoughts from the front porch...

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