there are people who live and then there are people who really live.
james 5.11a (ms) says, what a gift life is to those who stay the course!
there are some people who just endure their life. to them life is a disappointment not a gift. they live under a cloud not sunshine. they are always looking for that next big let down instead of the gift of life.
job spent a lot of time with some of those people who only saw the negative of living and GOD in the second half of his life rewarded his staying the course with more blessings than the first half. GOD doubled everything he had.
listen, it pays to be patient. there are so many different rewards. your character grows, you get along with people better, you're happier, you reach your goals. and not only does GOD reward your patience on this side of eternity, but also on the other side.
look at this. matthew 5.11&12 (cev), GOD will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of ME. be happy and excited! you will have a great reward in heaven. people did these same things to the prophets who lived long ago.
now what is our natural reaction when someone puts us down or hurts us? we do the manly thing, we get even. ''they're not going to get away with that. how dare them do that. who do they think they're messing with?'' you want to retaliate, get revenge, take matters into your own hands. when you get criticized, you want to criticize back. if you get insulted, you want to insult back.
and all of that is the natural thing to do but it's the opposite of patience. listen, the next time someone criticizes you, before you strike back, think about this, is it worth giving up the reward i'm going to have in heaven? i'm going to enjoy that a whole lot longer than the temporary pleasure of revenge. let GOD take care of them. HE can do such a better job. and HE will reward you for your patience.
your patience will be rewarded by GOD, both here and over there.
just some thoughts here on bill's front porch...
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