now the word patience is not an exciting word to read about when we are going though tough times. it is to us a non-action word and we are doers aren't we? faith is better or living expectantly sounds better but in reality they are the same thing.
the truth is patience is an action word. there is something that i do, there is a preparation that takes place as i am waiting on GOD.
what does a farmer do while he's waiting on GOD? does he just sit and watch reruns on television all day? no, while he's waiting on the harvest, the farmer is preparing for the answer. he's getting ready.
waiting is a time for preparation which shows your expectation. we get ready for the answer in advance.
psalm 130.5 (lb), i wait expectantly, trusting God to help, for He has promised.
i wait expectantly. what are you waiting for from GOD in these tough times? is it to heal a long-term illness, or to transform your marriage, or to take care of your financial problems or for GOD to reach your teenagers for CHRIST? do you really expect HIM to do that?
now here is where the doing comes in. if you do expect GOD to do something eventually, then you need to prove it! how do you prove it? simple. while you're waiting you're preparing. preparing demonstrates expectation.
the truth is many times when i'm waiting on GOD, HE's really waiting on me. HE was ready to give the answer a long time ago but i wasn't ready to receive it. HE's saying, "grow up! get some spiritual depth in your life. I want to bless your life but you can't handle the blessing I want to pour on you. it's so great but you're a puny pip-squeak, spiritually, you're not ready to handle this blessing. when you've got some spiritual muscle in your life, I'll bless you beyond what you can imagine." waiting is a time to get ready. prepare.
moses waited ninety years for thirty years of work. GOD was preparing him. JESUS waited thirty years before HE began HIS ministry. thirty years of preparation and HE accomplished more in three years than we would in a lifetime.
isaiah 49.23 (tev), the LORD says, no one who waits for MY help will be disappointed.
just some thoughts on the front porch...
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