there is a deep concern that i have that we in the church have become totally focused on we in the church – when we want our services to start, what we want to hear sung, what we want done, what is convenient for us, what our kids need, our needs. it is all about us.
GOD was so good to allow me to be a part of a group of people for over 14 years that had a different idea about why we as a church exists and it was more in line with what james thought. james 5.19 & 20 (ms), my dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from GOD's truth, don't write them off. go after them. get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from GOD.
to reach out to those who have wandered off from GOD's truth is so important to james that it is the last thing he says in his letter. and james' brother JESUS said in acts 1.8 & 9 (ms), and when the HOLY SPIRIT comes on you, you will be able to be MY witnesses in jerusalem, all over judea and samaria, even to the ends of the world. these were HIS last words. HE showed by HIS last words how important it is for HIS followers to reach out and HE even has come back as the HOLY SPIRIT to help us do it.
somehow we as HIS followers need to get back to doing what HE came to do. go after them. get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from GOD.
oh GOD, somehow help us to get back on focus.
just a deep concern that i have on my front porch...
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