listen, the quickest way to change a relationship from bad to good is to start thanking GOD in prayer for them. now what this does is change your attitude toward them and change them.
positive praying is much more powerful than positive thinking. people may resist our advice and spurn our appeals and reject our suggestions and not listen to our help, but they are powerless against our prayers.
when you say to somebody, "i'll pray for you" what do you say? what do you pray? most of us are good at praying in a crisis but on a normal basis what do you pray? GOD, bless them? that's so general. the more specific you are in prayer the more specific you get an answer.
paul spells out specifically what he's praying for people. Verses 9-11 (ms) so this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. learn to love appropriately. you need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life JESUS will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making JESUS CHRIST attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of GOD.
- pray that they will grow in their love. that your love will flourish.
- pray that they make wise choices. you need to use your head.
- pray that they will do the right thing. love is sincere and intelligent...circumspect and exemplary.
- pray that they will live for GOD's glory. live...a life JESUS will be proud of...making JESUS CHRIST attractive to all.
those are four things that you can pray for people. they are very specific. they will grow in love, they will make wise choices, wise decisions, they will do the right thing and they will live for GOD’s glory, to make GOD look good.
just some thoughts from the front porch...
i think this will be kirra's life verse when we have her dedicated at church. it's all that i wish for her!!!
that is a great thought.
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