Saturday, August 18, 2012

some tips on seeking good advice…

three quick tips on seeking good advice.

1.  make sure it’s biblical counsel.  measure all of our decisions against the standards of GOD.

2.  make sure it’s experienced counsel.  get more than one person who has experience in the area of your decision.  you don’t want to ask somebody who doesn’t have a clue about what you’re going through about the issue that you’re facing.  you want somebody who has some experience in that area. 

3. make sure it’s honest counsel.  biblical, experienced and honest counsel.  in other words, don’t talk to people who like you so much that they’ll agree with you every time.

just a thought from the front porch..


Rum-Punch Drunk said...

Good advice is always very important especially if you hope to act on it. Regardless to who you seek counsel from, you should always remember that the buck lies with you at the end of the day. If you act on someone else's advice, you should also be held responsible for the consequences since you heeded to it.

melanie jean juneau said...

Wonderful title and enviting phots as a header AND excellent advice that comes across as friendly sharing not preaching.

melanie jean juneau said...

great first comment is full of errors, I really am not an idiot, just a poor typist on an old keyboard

Bill Williams said...

it is easy for some to blame when they didn't get the desired result from heading the advice. the key in giving advice is to give options and make it so the person asking must do the choosing thus accepting reponsibility for their actions.

Bill Williams said...

thanks for reading and commenting, melanie. even though spell check has a way to sometimes put it's slant on what you meant.