Thursday, August 27, 2009

there is a guaranteed promise of peace of mind...

now paul gives us the result in philippians 4.7 (nlt), if you do this you will experience GOD's peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. HIS peace will keep your thoughts and your heart quiet and at rest as you trust in CHRIST JESUS.

this is a promise of guaranteed peace of mind. people are looking everywhere for peace of mind. they try pills, fads, therapy, rock crystals, stress reduction seminars and listen to tapes, books -anything to give just a little peace of mind. paul says, GOD's peace is a gift to you. it is a gift that cannot be explained, duplicated, fabricated or understood. it is the sense of peace that comes over your life.

so how do i maintain that kind of peace?

as you trust in CHRIST JESUS. paul is not taking about a religion; he's talking about a relationship with GOD's son JESUS CHRIST.

you were made with a GOD-shaped vacuum in your life and when you try to fill that with anything else it's like trying to put a square into a round hole -it doesn't fit. we try to fill our lives with popularity, power, pleasure, possessions or prestige and they don't fit. GOD made you to know him. nobody is here on the earth by accident. HE made you for a purpose. and the starting point of that purpose is to understand that HE made you for a relationship. HE wants you to know HIM. and when you know HIM there is a sense of peace that comes into your life.

just a thought from the front porch…

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