Saturday, September 19, 2009

do you want GOD's power in your life?

here is another thought. humility releases GOD's power in your life. james 4.6 (ms), GOD goes against the willful proud; GOD gives grace to the willing humble.

would you like to have GOD's strength in your life? the bible says that the secret of spiritual power is to walk humbly before the LORD, to realize you have to depend on HIM.

it's not because of who i am but it's because of who GOD is. i think what this principle here is stating is, the secret of strength is admitting weakness. the secret of power is admitting helplessness. the secret of happiness is humility. the secret of victory is total surrender to GOD. the secret of independence is dependence upon GOD.

matthew 5.3 (ph), happy are those who know their need for GOD, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs!

that means that all that GOD has to offer is available to the person who walks humbly before the LORD. all that GOD has to offer is that person's when we live in dependence before the LORD.

the fact is that everyone of you need JESUS CHRIST in your life. you need GOD's power to make it next week. if you think you don't, you've got something coming. HIS power is available. and GOD is waiting to pour out HIS power on you. but you've got to ask. and you've got to admit that you need HIS help.

if you say, "i don't need GOD in my life this next week to make it" then good luck! you'll have to solve all of your problems on your own power, your own ability, your own strength and then wonder why you're tired all of the time.

when you walk before the LORD and say, i can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me, apart from HIM i can do nothing, when you have that attitude – then that power will give you supernatural power to work on those problems you can't changed and you've tried, those areas of your life you can't get control of and you've tried, those relationships that are falling apart and you can't do anything about it. that's what it means to be poor in spirit.

john 13.17 (tev), now that you know this truth, how happy you will be if you put it into practice!

just a thought from the front porch…

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